Palinggat Oord

Palinggat Oord
Policy List

• Installation of air conditioners is permitted. Each application in this regard will be handled on merit.

• An outside unit may not be visible from any direction.

• The unit must be boxed with nutec and painted to match the dwelling

When the wooden framed windows of units have to be replaced with aluminium framed windows, owners have to submit a written application in this regard to the Board of Trustees for approval.

The following regulations apply for replacing the above-mentioned windows.

• It must be aesthetically acceptable and of the same size as the existing windows (approach Complex Manager for diagram)

• A complete sketch must be included in your written application in this regard and forwarded to the Complex Manager for submission to the Board of Trustees.

• Only side hung or top hung windows are allowed. The aluminium frames must be bronze in colour and the glass panes of safety- glass. Sliding windows are permitted on boundary wall.

• The aluminium frames must be the same size as the existing wooden frame and must look similar to the wooden frame.

• The walls must be fully restored and painted in the same colour as the existing walls to ensure uniformity.

• Windows may open sideways or open upwards. All window frames should be bronze aluminium.

• Any departure from existing sizes must be discussed with the Resort Manager in advance. The exact measurements must be provided to him in writing and only his written feedback will be regarded as consent.

• The removed wooden windows are the property of the Body Corporate

On completion the Complex Manager must so be informed in order to do the necessary inspection to avail himself that all regulations have been duly met.

• It is the owners’ responsibility to control access of birds to his unit’s roof.

The following serve as guide-lines for the budget process:

• All income and expenditure items are budgeted for. The actual income and expenditure (not the    estimated/budgeted figures) of the previous year will serve as basis for the coming year’s budget.
• The income will balance with the expenditure in order to create a so-called “R nil Budget”.
• The inception and retaining of a healthy Maintenance Fund is of the utmost importance Therefore a substantial amount will be budgeted for the said fund.
• Efforts will be made to keep the increase moderately and within the spectrum of the Consumer Price Index, keeping in mind whatever the envisaged increase in municipal tariffs above the CPI limit may be. It should however not exceed10%. Therefore measures to save costs will continuously enjoy priority.
• To keep up with modern technology, measures will as far as possible be taken to conduct administration and bank transactions electronically. This will definitely save money.
• During the budget process, capital expenditure will be discussed and assessed on the basis of the following criteria:

      1.  Affordability
      2. Necessity
      3. Possibility of phasing

• In compiling the operating budget the focus will be on the maintenance programme.
• When the budget is prepared and items are judged for inclusion, the Board of Trustees will determine such item is a necessity or not. If a borderline item is included in the budget, the execution thereof will be delayed until the last three months in order to first determine whether it is affordable.
• There must be clearly indicated which items to last three months postponed.
• Since the Resort Manager is primarily responsible for the management of the Resort, and we hold him accountable for certain things, we must heed if he says there’s no funds available.
• No blank checks may be drawn.
• A certain amount of the budget is for personnel compensation packages employed (ring-fenced). The basic monthly salary for September should be.
• Resort Manager must have a 5-year capital program setting.

  • Owners have the right to use any builder of their choice for any additions to units provided the builder is registered with the NHBRC as eluded to in Housing Consumers Protection Act of 1998 ( Act No 95 of 1998)
  • All building contractors are subject to the rules of Palinggat Resort.
  • No building contractor may start construction work before he / she has met the following conditions.
  • Owner submits letter of appointment from contractor to the Resort Manager.
  • Must be in possession of approved building plan. This building plan must be available at all times and be attached to the building site.
  • The building debris must be cut off with safety net.
  • All buildings debris must be loaded onto a trailer and removed at least once a week.
  • Construction site may be visited by the Resort Manager at any time and if he considers that the conditions are not adhered to, he may stop the construction work.
  • No workers may walk around in Palinggat Resort. The contractor must be aware of the movement of his workers at all times.
  • The amount of R500 is payable at the start of the construction work. Upon completion of the building contract, the amount will be refunded without interest under the following conditions:
  • The building site is left neat
  • All rules mentioned in the Policy are adhered to
  • All stone, sand and bricks on and off Palinggat premises have been removed.
  • Builders must arrange with the Resort Manager in advance for a suitable place for storing material.
  • Power and water meters must be in working order before any construction work starts. Where units share power and water, separate meters must be in place before any construction starts.
  • Copies of the signed inspection certificate of the Building Inspector must be provided to the Resort Manager if applicable.
  • No deviations from building plans may occur without the approval of the Building Inspector if applicable and the Resort Manager.
  • The Resort Manager has the right to have any building deposits withheld if the premises are not tidy.
  • This policy must be read in conjunction with the Outside Maintenance policy.

Placing rain screens above front and rear doors, is permitted under the following conditions.

The canopy should be a max of 1 meter deep and as wide as the door it is covering.

The type and detail of the canopy is to be approved by the trustees before erection.

Upon completion of the canopy installation, the Resort Manager must be notified so that he inspect to determine if all the conditions have been met.

• Capital expenditure has long-term advantages and is not limited to the year in which it is incurred. It is derived over a period of more than 12 months, whereas the advantage derived from working expenditure is normally limited to the year in which it is incurred, ie 12 months or less.

• This resource is managed by the Body Corporate and will ensure long-term financial advantages.

• Capital expenditure must stem from a historic occurrence of which the future financial benefits of service potential will flow back to the Complex.

• Capital expenditure entails ie. the following:

      1. Fixed assets such as land, buildings and property like machinery, implements and equipment, new infrastructure ie. sewerage, pipelines and roads.
      2. All expenditure which, during everyday circumstances does not qualify as normal working or running expenditure.

• This is a broad definition by which expenditure is tested. Should there still be doubt as to whether expenditure is a capital expenditure or running cost, such cases should be discussed in-depth to classify it correctly.

• Cash – When cash is received / paid in at the office a receipt to this effect is issued. At the end of the day all cash on hand must balance. Money from the machines (Laundromat / squash court) will always be removed and counted in the presence of two persons.

• Petty cash – Maximum float allowed is R300.00 (three hundred rand). A receipt must be issued and kept for all payments made from the float.

• Cash in safe – All cash on the premises and in transit to and from the bank, which is kept overnight in the safe is covered by our short-term insurance policy. Therefore it may not exceed the amount of R10 000 (ten thousand rand).

• Palinggat Resort has noticed that buyers of property in the Resort are not always made aware of the policies and rules that apply in / on the Resort by the seller and / or Estate Agents. This causes new owners to become uninformed, misinformed and frustrated with the way things are done in Palinggat Resort.

• Policy as follows:

      1. When applying for a clearance certificate by transferring attorney, a list of documents along with clearance figures is provided to the transferring attorneys, which include, inter alia, the rules of conduct and list of policies.
      2. Upon receipt of:
    • A Clearance certificate will be issued by the Management of Palinggat Resort
    • A copy of the Conduct rules should be made available for potential buyers

    • Depreciation on assets is calculated at the following rate:
      • Fixed Property (Driver’s Home & Communal Property) – None
      • Computers and Software (Electronic Equipment) – 3 years
      • Office equipment – 6 years
      • Furniture and other equipment (Hall) – 6 years
      • Machinery (grass cutters etc.) – 3 years
      • Electric hand tools – 2 years
      • Electricity meters, water meters and lights – as and when required
    • Assets purchased in the current financial year are depreciated pro rata, ie only number of months in possession, are written off.
    • The above does not apply for insurance purposes, as assets under the insurer’s policy conditions and prescribed replacement values are insured.
    • Assets to be insured at replacement value

  1. When equipment and / or tools appearing on the Palinggat Resort inventory are broken, destroyed, stolen or redundant or expired, the following must be done.
    • If it cannot be repaired and no longer be used, it must be seen as garbage and destroyed or discarded accordingly.
    • If stolen or lost, it is within the Resort Manger discretion whether it has to be reported to the SA Police Service and / or Insurance to be able to recover potential damage.
    • It is the responsibility of the Administrative Officer to keep the inventory up to date and to make the necessary changes as appropriate. At the same time, these changes must be disclosed to the Bookkeepers in order to adjust the assets register.
    • Equipment and / or tools as well as furniture must be declared outdated by the Resort Manager and one Trustee member. Outdated equipment and / or tools and furniture must then be classified as scrap or destined for auction.
    • It is the responsibility of the Resort Manger to bring to the attention of the Administrative Officer in writing all the equipment and / or tools and furniture that has been worn out in order to enable it to update the asset register.

Palinggat Resort seeks to minimize all unnecessary claims at the insurance company. The damage caused within the dwelling when a geyser is bursting results in additional damage, which must then be claimed from the insurance, thereby unnecessarily increasing the claim history.

  • Policy as follows:
  • All geysers should be installed outside the home whenever possible . The geyser can be placed either on the side of, at the back of, or in the garage, of the house. Where this is not possible it must then remain in the ceiling.
  • Positioning of the Geyser, and the type of cover is to be approved by the manager.
  • Geysers must be installed out of reach of people to avoid injury.
  • Geyser covers must be installed and painted to prevent negative aesthetic impact to other homeowners.
  • The owner is responsible for all costs involved in the cover over the unit. The body corporate will not be held responsible for the maintenance of the cover unit
  • The initial cost of replacing the geyser is covered by the insurance, but the cost of moving the geyser to the outside of the dwelling is for the owner’s own account.
  • The insurance excess is for the owner’s account

1. Letting done through the office

1.1 Holiday accommodation information sheet

Holiday tenants will be required to complete the prescribed Palinggat Resort in formation sheet (supplied when an enquiry is made). The holiday tenant will be supplied with a copy of the conduct rules and must sign for receipt thereof before the booking is concluded.

1.2 Keys

It is the responsibility of the Palinggat Resort owners to ensure that a complete set of keys, with a remote control for the entrance gate, be filed at the office, specifically for vacation rental. These keys are in addition to the extra set of keys held at all times at the office. No telephone numbers of holiday tenants are programmed on the gate phone system. No keys will be handed out unless the office is in possession of the information sheet and signed Conduct Rules. Keys will not be handed out after hours unless prior arrangements have been confirmed with the office.

1.3 General

• No pets are allowed without prior written approval of the Oord Manager.
• Only three vehicles per unit are allowed. Vehicles are to be parked at unit where space allows or at designated parking areas. Vehicles are not to protrude into the roadway

1.4 Cleaning units

Owners are responsible for the cleaning of their units and should therefore arrange with local cleaning services for this purpose. It is not the responsibility of the office to manage domestic workers on behalf of owners.

1.5 Management Fee

A management fee of 10% of the rental will be deducted

2. Letting not done by Owner or Agent

The points below are applicable when rental is handled by owner or through any agent

2.1 Holiday accommodation information

It is the owner’s responsibility to provide holiday tenants or agent with a copy of the conduct rules before concluding a booking.
2.2 Keys

Should an owner who lets their unit for holiday accommodation not be present to open for the holiday tenant on their arrival he/she must ensure that a complete set of keys, with a remote control for the entrance gate, be filed at the office, for the tenant. These keys are in addition to the extra set of keys held at all times at the office. No telephone numbers of holiday tenants are programmed on the gate phone system.
Keys will not be handed out after hours unless prior arrangements have been confirmed with the office.

If owners do not arrange beforehand with the office regarding holiday rental, or, if the Manager is not aware of any such rental and then have to hand out any keys after hours, an administration fee of R500 will be added to the owner’s levy account.

2.3 General

• No pets are allowed without prior written approval of the Oord Manager.
• Only three vehicles per unit are allowed. Vehicles are to be parked at unit where space allows or at designated parking areas. Vehicles are not to protrude into the roadway

2.4 Cleaning units

Owners are responsible for the cleaning of their units and should therefore arrange with local cleaning services for this purpose. It is not the responsibility of the office to manage domestic workers on behalf of owners.

• When a unit is extended the owner is responsible for having the property measured and to ensure it is registered at the Deeds Office.

• As soon as the extensions have been completed and occupied, or before it has been signed off by the Resort Manager, the levy will be adjusted even before it has been registered. The levy will be calculated in accordance with the levy schedule for Palinggat Complex I and II.

• Should the survey and registration not be done within a period of 6 (six) months after completion of the extensions the Body Corporate may institute a fine of 10% of the total levy to be added to the normal levy.

• The Body Corporate also have the right to revise and increase the above fine for non-compliance every (6) six months should registration not be finalised.

When amendments are made to the structure of homes at Palinggat, such amendments must be approved by the Board of Trustees. This also includes modifying the roof structure by inserting a loft.

The application to the Board of Trustees for the aforementioned amendment must be done BEFORE any building work commences. The application must be submitted in writing and accompanied by an engineering report and appropriate building plans containing the following information.

• How is it planned to change the current roof structure?
• How will it affect the current exterior wall?
• How much floor space is added to the current floor area?
• Will there be adequate ventilation in the room, if not, what is planned to provide the ventilation and necessary light?
• The plan must also indicate where the light switches and electrical plugs will be placed. Upon completion, a wiring certificate must be submitted.
• The floor structure used should be sufficient to support the weight.
• If there is currently a “firewall” between garage and rest of residence, the engineer must confirm that it is full. If there is not one, one must be installed according to specifications.
• Building Alterations must conform to the Building 103 of 1977

Further conditions are as follows:
• There must be sufficient insulation between the roof sheeting and the ceiling of the new room. This insulation must be fire resistant.
• An approved plan stamped by the municipality must be provided to the Council. Only then will the Council grant its final approval.
• It is the owner’s duty to ensure that the changes in the floor area are registered with the Deeds Office (see separate policy on this as contained in the letter of approval) and recorded on his title deed.

• The placing of mosquito nets in front of windows, front and/or rear doors is permitted under the following conditions:

    1.  Mosquito nets should be light grey/silver grey in colour
    2. Mosquito nets must be tightly fitted within a sturdy frame
    3. Mosquito net frame should be made of aluminium in aluminium frame or wood in a wooden window frame


    1. For opening windows the mosquito net must be placed inside of the window.
    2. For sliding windows the mosquito net may be placed on the outside.


    1. Mosquito nets may only be affixed to security gates. Lose mosquito net door frames are not permitted.
    2. Erection of said windows and doors may only commence once written authorisation has been issued by the Board of Trustees
    3. Erecting the said windows/doors is for the owner’s account and all future maintenance thereof will be the owner’s responsibility.

• By completion of the construction of the mosquito nets the Resort Manager must be notified so that he can do inspection to determine whether all the conditions have been met

The moving of water meters at units in Palinggat Oord may not take place without the written permission of the Board of Trustees.

The moving of water meters may only be done by a qualified Plumber and is for the account of the applicant.

Conditions for moving:

• When improvements are made to the unit and the water meter affects the improvement.
• When the water meter has been installed in a closed backyard and no direct access to the water meter is available.
• Where two or more units share a water meter and owners apply to install a water meter of their own.

In cases where an existing meter has been placed in such a nature that it can cause injury to persons or damage to any property, an application may be made for the Body Corporate to move the water meter at their expense.

• The outdoor maintenance and repair (excluding building defects) of residences in Palinggat Resort is the responsibility of the body corporate. These include:

      1.  Walls
      2. Roofs
      3. Gutters
      4. Garage door – not mechanical operation or replacement.
      5. Window frame.
      6. Outside doors, front and rear, excluding glass and locks.
      7. Steps – excluding the painting of the porches.

• Power, water and sewage are the owner’s responsibility from the following points:

    1. Power – from power meter to home (power meter included)
    2. Water – from stopcock to home
    3. Sewerage – from the residence to the main sewer line

3.1 If two or more homes share the connection to the main sewer line, that connection line is also considered part of the main sewer line, which is the responsibility of the body corporate.
3.2  However, where an individual detached house connects directly the main sewer line, that link from the residence to the main sewer line is the owner’s responsibility.
3.3 Owners must ensure that roots of trees and plants on their property do not clog sewer line. All such trees and plants must be removed.

• TV antennas and dishes are for the sole account of the owner, as well as the maintenance and repairing of structures due to any set up or removal of such equipment.
• Approved porches, verandas, carports and concrete walls are ceded by the owner to the Body Corporate and further maintained by the Body Corporate.
• Water tank erection and maintenance is the owner’s responsibility.
• New improvements are for the account of the owner, and after signing it is further maintained by the Body Corporate.

Definition: A porch is a weather protection over the font doorway attached to the lining unit

When amendments are made to the structure of homes and porches at Palinggat, such amendments must be approved by the Board of Trustees. It also includes tiling and blinds.

The conditions for closing porches with glass windows are as follows:
• It must be aesthetically acceptable and only two of the three sides may be closed. It may not be used as an additional room.
• A complete sketch must be sent to the Resort Manager with a written application for submission to the Board of Trustees.
• Sliding aluminium or opening windows may be used and the aluminium frame should be bronze in colour and be safety glass.
• The aluminium frame should rest on a plastered brick wall that is no lower than 600mm and no higher than 800mm. This wall should be painted the same colour as the surrounding houses.
• Barge boards and facia of appropriate size to be added if not already fitted.
• The porch wall must be on a foundation that complies with building regulations.
• Pillars must be of treated wood and comply with SABS standards and be painted with Mahogany colour exterior wood sealer. Stone pillars may only be used if the due poor roof structure is required.
• All roof heights must comply with building regulations.
• No temporary construction, including roll blinds, may be placed in the open side of the veranda, even if only temporarily.
• Any kind and colour of blind can be fitted inside the front of the window.
• No curtains may hang in front of porch windows.

If the porch is completely enclosed (all four sides), the porch must be surveyed by a surveyor and registered with the Deeds Office and will serve as floor area.

Upon completion of the porch windows the Resort Manager must be notified so that he can inspect to determine if the conditions have been met.

• All new extensions must be registered within 3 (three) months without exception.

• Owner must personally engage the services of a land surveyor and attorney of his choice.

• Should an owner omit to register the extensions and sell the property in the meantime no clearance certificate will be issued until such registration has been completed.

The erection of shade cloth and canvas/canvas roll up blinds is no longer permitted.
Existing shade cloth and canvas/canvas roll up blinds must be kept neat or removed

  • Before erecting a shade port / carport an owner must seek written authorisation from the Board of Trustees. A plan must accompany the application.
  • The guidelines for construction of a shade port are as follows:
    • Galvanized steel constructions manufactured by a registered manufacturer.
    • The roof covered with manufacture’s shade cover (Similar plain colour as existing houses)
    • No self-fabricated structure or sail other than that of a registered manufacture may be used.
    • Sides may not be closed.
    • It must be a free construction and not attached to the dwelling or boundary wall.
    • It may only be erected on paving.
    • Support poles must be fixed.
  • Maintenance of shadeport is the owner’s responsibility and risk. If the owner fails to maintain it, it may be removed by the Body Corporate.
  • The guidelines for construction of a Carport are as follows:
    • Frame of structure: Must be made of treated timber and painted with two coats of mahogany varnish.
    • Structure must blend in with existing Carports currently in Palinggat Oord.
    • Maximum height: 2.4 meter allowing water to run down from the roof away from the building.
    • Roof must be covered with white IBR / corrogated Alluzink roof sheets. (NO shade cloth is permitted).
    • Sides may not be closed.
    • It must be freestanding from any boundary walls.
    • It may only be erected on paving / close to paving in the EUA of the unit.
    • Gutters, Facia & Barge boards must be used to prevent any water damage to the dwelling.
    • Carport will impact on Category C levies.
  • The Board of Trustees reserves the right to evaluate each application individual
  • The shade port / carport may only be used as a recreation area OR parking of a vehicle. Not storage space.
  • Wrt caravans: Refer to Conduct rules of Palinggat Oord point 4.  Caravan or tents

Before installing solar heating panels an owner has to submit a written application to the Board of Trustees.

    • Owner must obtain the services of an accredited installer who has to issue the necessary certificate after installation.
    • Owner is compelled to render the necessary written proof that all materials used comply with SABS standards.
    • It is imperative that the legs on which the panels are mounted are made of high quality stainless steel or aluminium to prevent any rust stains on the roof or walls of the house.
    • The Board of Trustees’ approval must clearly state that – similarly as in respect of geysers – the Board of Trustees are NOT responsible for any damages / loss whatsoever suffered due to the said unit whether being installed inside or outside the house. (Management Rules 68(vii).
    • To ensure the aesthetic appearance of individual houses and the complex as such the placing of the solar heating unit must be cleared by the Resort Manager and the Board of Trustees.
    • Maintenance and repairs are for the owner’s account

• Size: 2 X 3 meter.

• May not be visible above the boundary wall.

• May not be supplied with water, electrical installation to be done by a competent person and must comply with bylaws

• The storeroom may not be fixed to the neighbour’s boundary wall in any manner.

• It must be built with bricks and have one window and one door.

• The roof must be of Neutec or Aluzinc roofing.

• A building plan as required by the Municipality must be supplied to the Office before building may commence.

• The storeroom may not be used as a dwelling

• The use of the swimming pool is limited to:

    1. Owners
    2. Residents
    3. Invited guests of owners or residents, accompanied by them

• The swimming pool and surrounding premises are used at your own risk. If parents allow their children unattended to use the pool, it is the responsibility of such parents.

• It is the responsibility of owners / residents to ensure that their guests observe and obey the rules below.

• The rules applicable to the swimming pool are as follows:

    1. No drinks or glass bottles are allowed in the pool area, unless arranged in advance with the Resort Manager.
    2. No vehicle tires, surfboards, bicycles, skateboard and pets are allowed.
    3. People who swim must be dressed in appropriate swimwear.
    4. Bad language and poor behaviour will not be tolerated and those who are guilty of doing so may be requested by the Resort Manager to leave the swimming area.
      • Towels, clothes and other items that are forgotten in the swim area will be taken to the office, where it will be kept for a period of one month.

• Times: As posted on the gate, except if the gate is closed for maintenance or rental of a swimming pool for private use.

• The Technical Committee of Palinggat Resort is authorized to make decisions that are already contained within the framework of existing policies.

• So, if applications for the Technical Committee shall in respect of matters for which existing policies exist, the Technical Committee has the authority to approve the application well or referring to the Trustee Meeting for further investigation and consideration.

• Refer approved applications to the next Trustee Meeting for ratification

• Approval for improvements to Exclusive Use Areas where a policy exists.

• Handling of complaints between owners and owners referred by the Manager.

• Write off of worn out furniture and equipment.

• Garden fence not exceeding 900mm must be of treated timber and securely fixed to the ground. This temporary fence will be for the period the owner requests in writing and as approved by the Board of Trustees.

• NO shade cloth or canvas may be used for the fence.

• Ample space must be allowed for parking of vehicle.

• Exclusive use area in front of the property should not be demarcated with any type of fence.

• Only the following persons may utilise the tennis-court :

    1. owners
    2. residents
    3. invited guests of owners and/or residents, and accompanied by them  

• The tennis-court is used at one’s own risk.
• Owners / residents are responsible to ensure that their guests take note of the following rules and that they obey them :

    1. NO drinks (alcohol and other) or glass-bottles are allowed within the said area.
    2. NO sport other than tennis may be played on the tennis-court.
    3. NO bicycles and/or skate-boards are allowed on the tennis-court.
    4. Swearing / bad language and bad behaviour will NOT be tolerated, and those who do not comply will be requested by the Complex Manager to leave the area immediately.
    5. The tennis-net may NOT be hanged on or removed by players.
    6. No one is allowed to climb over any fences. Should a ball be hit over a fence players must walk round the outside to fetch the ball.

• Unforeseen expenditure refers to those expenses which have not been budgeted for and which have to be paid in respect of work to be done during and /or before the financial year end in order to prevent any further damages and loss. Such work must be of an urgent nature which can have serious financial impact on the Body Corporate or the owner.

Palinggat Oord’s vehicle must complete the cycle of ten years from purchase date to replacement date. The vehicle may be sold out of hand and the funds are used to replace the vehicle with a suitable working vehicle. Alternatively, the vehicle can be traded in on a suitable work vehicle.

Palinggat Oord’s vehicle may only be replaced with another suitable work vehicle under the following circumstances during the ten-year term.

• If it cannot be repaired due to damage or weathering
• If stolen and the insurance pays out
• If it is of such mechanical condition that it is no longer economically viable to repair.
• If it is no longer economically viable to keeping the vehicle.

Definition: A veranda is a structure attached to a living unit and used for relaxation and entertainment

    •  Frame of structure: must be made of treated timber and painted with two coats of mahogany exterior wood sealer.
    • Structure must blend in with existing veranda.
    • Minimum height: 2.4 meter.
    • Roof must be covered with IBR Aluzinc roof sheets. (NO shade cloth is permitted).
    • Opal polycarbonate IBR sheets may be used between adjacent IBR Aluzinc sheets for light
    • Barge boards and facia of appropriate size to be fitted and painted the same colour as the house.
    • Green brook lace is permitted.
    • Veranda floor to be earthen colours consisting of brick ,pavers, tiles or concrete
    • Two sides of veranda may be enclosed by a plastered brick wall, not exceeding window height, and painted the same colour as the house. (Only when the veranda is being extended). A bronze aluminium framed window(s) may be used to cover the area between the roof and the new brick wall
    • No curtains are allowed in front of these windows. Roller blinds in a neutral colour that matches the house are permitted.
    • Installing a door on the veranda is permitted but the veranda may NOT be used as a bedroom. (Opening to be left on one of the sides).
    • Owner must obtain a permit from the local Municipality and submit it to the Board of Trustees before any work may proceed.

Structural changes to houses or erection of structures on exclusive usage areas are subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees. This includes the installation of water tanks.

Requirements for the installation of water tanks are as follows:

  • Size, location, and aesthetics should be acceptable to the Board.
  • Location should be approved by the Resort Manager prior to installation.
  • Tanks should be placed on a sturdy base / foundation, completely supporting the bottom.
  • Foundations may be either:
  • Brick & mortar / cement and painted the same colour as the surrounding walls.
  • Treated wooden poles anchored in a cement base.
  • Tanks may not extend above boundary walls.
  • The overflow must be planned carefully so as not to cause damage to house or boundary walls. Any overflow must be safely diverted.
  • Tank colour may be green, khaki or beige.
  • Gutters leading to tanks are the owner’s responsibility and for his/her account. It must be neat and properly secured.
  • Owners are advised to add a locking facility.
  • The Resort Manger must be advised on completion to inspect the installation and ensure that all requirements have been complied with.
  • Erection of tanks must comply with local bylaws

Definition: A movable barrier, usually hinged, for closing an opening in a wall, fence, or enclosed area

This Policy is applicable to Courtyards and Carports (this is not a security gate  applicable to Varandas, front and back doors)

  • The gate is constructed of Timber and painted with two coats of mahogany exterior wood sealer
  • Slats to be placed vertically with gaps or butted against each other for privacy
  • No shade cloth is permitted to be affixed to the gate.
  • Gate must not be higher than the precast wall adjacent to it.
  • Owner to apply for permission and permission will be granted based on the merits applicable to the situation.
  • Only the gate that is used by the resort staff to enter for maintenance will be maintained by the resort.

No decoration of any discription may displayed in windows or doors with the exception of the following:

  • Glass panel in a single or sliding door where a decoration or decorative strip be placed with the appearance of frosted glass i.e. NOT painted, may be placed around eye level for both adults and children for safety purposes
  • The glass may be also completely frosted for privacy .
  • In the case of single aluminium or wooden doors where there is a glass panel this may fully be covered with a neutral pattern or frosted.
  • To avoid any potential conflict no decoration, motif, emblem etc. depicting any religious, cultural, ethic etc. affiliation may be displayed
  • No window decoration can be added to newly built front or back Porch.

Please refer to the following act and municipal by-laws for more clarification:

  • HESSEQUA INTEGRATED ZONING SCHEME BY-LAW, regarding Interpretations and Definitions (Stoep & Porch)

Definition: Generators in Palinggat Oord

This Policy is applicable to prevent generators in Palinggat Oord – Stilbaai.

  • At the Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on 17 December 2015 the owners present voted that no generators are to be used in the resort.

the exceptions are

  • A Silent generator (Manufactured for the purpose of being able to be run in residential areas and comply with noise restrictions) can be used during the hours affected by loadshedding 

Generators can be operated during daylight hours by contractors and homeowners for the purposes of carrying out remedial work when electrical power is not available.

Local bye-laws and complex rules are to be adhered to regarding times and workdays – ie Monday to Friday 08.00am to 05.00pm 

  • If the generator is connected into the house, an electrical certificate needs to be
    handed in at the office stating that the additional installation required for this complies with
    the necessary electrical standards. If this certificate is not provided at the office the resort
    manager can request that the generator be switched off, until the certificate is provided.
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